Wednesday, May 13, 2009

LiL Le0 AngeL

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Friday, May 1, 2009

Only You ( 唯一的你 )

Love is a very weird story
I started loosing control to myself

Love is one of a kind
I even started not being myself

I have done so many foolish acts for you
The first foolish act was writing for you
I wrote poems for you
I paused for awhile for you
I done unbelievable and impossible things for you
I learnt music for you
I loose knowledge for you
And i forget to tell you
That the most beatiful word was your NAME

Love is a very weird story
Your smile was the only solution

Love is one of a kind
What am i in your heart

I can forget everything
But I can't forget your NAME
I can forget anything
What I can't forget in my life in your looks

By your side ( 在你的身边) myspace graphic comments
Myspace Heartbreak Comments myspace graphic comments
Myspace Heartbreak Comments

*** 时间已两点钟 ***
*** 我还是无法入眠 ***
*** 当我一闭上眼 ***
*** 脑海里的你就想收音机里的音乐 ***
*** 这时刻我只希望我在你身边 ***
*** 寻找着那个胆子大个电话给你 ***
*** 你不知道这种感觉是多痛苦的 ***

*** 我到处的寻找答案 ***
*** 不知不觉就听到你的声音 ***
*** 告诉我的朋友你以为我不再和你同明 ***
*** 但我错了感觉好傻。。。哦 ***
***五点了还是无法入眠 ***
*** 好希望,真的好希望我在你身边 ***
*** 我们在一起吧 ***
*** 这样我就不会有那么多疑问 ***
*** 你到底怎么开口 ***
*** 你会这么做?***
*** 来让你的心上人更接近你 ***

*** 可能我们只是朋友 ***
*** 可能我们不知是朋友 ***
*** 可能这只是我的幻想 ***
*** 如果你一直看着我 ***
*** 我就会一直的怀疑 ***
*** 我再这样下去迟早会发疯 ***
*** 你也是感觉到对不对 ***
*** 可能我,可能我 *** myspace graphic comments
Myspace Heartbreak Comments

***** 我只想陪在你的身边 *****

It'Z c0mpliCateD ( 真的好复杂) myspace graphic comments
Myspace Heartbreak Comments myspace graphic comments
Myspace Heartbreak Comments myspace graphic comments
Myspace Heartbreak Comments myspace graphic comments
Myspace Heartbreak Comments myspace graphic comments
Myspace Heartbreak Comments

I know that in life
It won't turn out to be the way we wanted
The perfect way
The wonderful way
The terrific way
But we can lead it to the way we wanted
Joyously or painfully
All this lies in our own pair of hands

For my love life
I never thought that it would turn out to be this way
My 1st love failed, 2nd, 3rd and 4th love also failed
Now i'm single, living alone in my world
I'm walking the path GOD made for me
The path where leads me to my real world
Where there could be lesser pain and more joy
But for now I want to achieve my dreams
Then wait for my PRINCE CHARMING to arrive

The ONE who I could lean on...
The ONE who will cry with me when I'm in pain...
The ONE who can give me happiness...
The ONE who will love, care and treasure me every second of his life...
My experiences is indecribable and immeasureable
I want to put all this nonsence down
And lead a life that a teenage girl should live

I'M GONNA LIVE MY LIFE... Yeah ! Yeah ! Yeah !

KANBATE Geraldine !!!